ISoM Performing Artist Graded (PAG) Examinations
The ISoM Performing Artist Graded (PAG) Examinations have been designed to create an examination experience tailored to each and every individual.
The ISoM Performing Artist Graded (PAG) Examination Provides a holistic experience of constructive assessment for learning. ISoM’s state-of-the-art remote video platform connects you to examiners worldwide, so take your graded examination anytime and anywhere. You have complete flexibility as to when you to take your graded examination, anytime and any where exam, connecting you to examiners worldwide using ISoM’s state-of-the-art remote video platform.
No unnecessary travel, no unnecessary stress and genuine financial savings.
Examination Grades
Complete your ISoM Performing Artist Graded Examination at
Step 1, Step 2, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7 and Grade 8
in the following subjects
Acoustic Guitar, Cello, Clarinet, Composition, Drum Kit, Electric Guitar, Electronic Keyboard, Flute, Flutophone, Guitar, Harp, Melodica, Music Theory, Musical Theatre, Music Production & Technology, Oboe, Percussion, Piano, Saxophone, Singing, Trombone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Viola and Violin.

Curriculum and Preparation
The curriculum for each examination level consists of five technical exercises and five pieces. Our subject specialists have carefully crafted and curated the repertoire to provide music candidates will enjoy, with a variety of styles and genres. The relatable pieces allow candidates to develop their knowledge and understanding of performing music they enjoy learning. The PAG assessment teaches them how to build upon their learning to improve future achievements.
We’ve found that such a structure not only optimises a candidate’s learning but makes them feel more confident, inspired and excited for the next steps. A more holistic method of assessment that sparks musical inspiration and encourages candidates to engage with the music they’re playing.
The examination requires the performance of two technical exercises and three pieces of the candidate’s choosing.
All the resources you need, free for everyone
To make our examinations more accessible for everyone, ISoM is committed to providing free access to examination books and curriculum materials for all our students and candidates - ensuring that costs never prevents a music student from growing and developing as a musician.
Browse and explore our curriculum materials, including helpful lesson plans, in our library of resources.
The Examination Day
What you can expect
The Introduction
The candidate can join the call with their examiner by clicking the unique video link that will be provided by ISoM when we confirm your examination. Upon entering the remote ‘examination room’, the candidate will be connected to their Examiner. This virtual room is entirely safe and secure, protected with a password and username, ensuring that the examination will be uninterrupted and the candidate can focus on what’s important.
The examiner will then introduce the examination, confirming the candidate’s ID and the examination details. They will also ensure that the technical equipment is working to the required quality and standard, making sure that you have the best examination experience possible.
The Examination
The examination will then commence, comprising the following components:
The candidate is in control of their exam, meaning they can choose to perform the technical exercises or performance pieces in any order. We know examinations can be nerve-wracking and the examiner is there not only to examine the candidate but also to help them enjoy the experience and make them feel empowered. Our research shows that candidates enjoy their ISoM exam experience and are eager to move on and work and work towards their next grade, becoming independent learners.
The Assessment Criteria
Technical Accomplishment
The extent to which the instrument or voice is effectively controlled, assessed via the candidate’s performance.
Assessed through technical work and performance pieces.
The ability to make sensitive and musical performance decisions.
Assessed through technical work and performance pieces.
Musical Knowledge and Understanding
The synthesis of theoretical, notational and contextual knowledge.
Assessed through technical work and performance pieces.
The degree to which the performer communicates with and engages the listener through musical performance on their instrument.
Assessed through technical work and performance.

Marking and Moderation
ISoM is passionate about supporting and enabling a candidate’s musical journey. The examiner is there to support candidates in their musical journey through the provision of constructive assessment. Unlike the other graded examinations, ISoM PAG examinations are designed to offer more than a critique; they provide assessment for learning, giving candidates the ‘scaffolding’ to continue their musical journey at their own pace.
Attainment Bands
Successful candidates will be awarded a ‘pass’, decided by the overall mark given by the examiner. Depending on the level of skill demonstrated during their examination, they could receive either:
Register your interest
Get in touch!
If you would like to register for the ISoM PAG examination, or you would just like to speak to a member of our team
Complete the form and a member of our expert team will be in touch as soon as possible